Thursday, 9 October 2014

Busting Heartbreaks And Burning Through Painful Clouds

Letting go is often the hardest thing to do. Holding on can be, deceivingly, a lot more effortless, or so it seems. The thoughts and feelings attached to holding on, seem to appear without having to give it much thought. Painful feelings get buried deep down instead of letting them surface and feeling them. It's a continuous trap to stop us from moving on. It is the Ego's attempt to keep us stuck in suffering.
Humans are masters at holding on to the past. Even when something has long gone, for example an ex partner, we are still inclined to hold on with dear life in our mind. Whether it is a relationship, our dead cat, the job we so wanted or even negative self-beliefs that we have created as children, we tend to hold on to those for absolute eons.
We have two 'thieves' on either side of us, YESTERDAY and TOMORROW. Yesterday is the past that we have not let go of. Tomorrow is about what could be, but never happens if we don't let go of the past and live in the Now. By constantly worrying about possible future pain, we fail to be Present and live Now as well as filling our days with anxieties about something that might never happen.
Whatever it is that we are holding on to, it is gone, it has happened. Evidently our life happens in our Mind and hence we avoid living in the Now by allowing our Ego and emotions to constantly take over and resurface, carrying the past around with us wherever we go.
We waste more time and energy holding on to past junk than nurturing our present state of being. We could be investing in something a lot more useful than our painful past or worries about the future.
Holding on stretches the past right into the future, avoiding the present moment. It is merely a way of getting attention and having our unfulfilled needs met. After all, if we didn't have a story to tell, who would we be? Through past heartbreaks we can acquire sympathy and devotion all the way to cover our neediness by getting attention through our painful stories. It can even become competitive; 'look at what happened to ME!'.
All forms of past suffering are a form of heartbreak, particularly those that we accumulated during childhood.
What we are holding on to, are layers and layers of pain. Some of us have gathered thousands of layers of pain during the course of our existence, whether it be through childhood, family, relationships, friendships or any other hurtful or traumatic event. They are clusters of rainy clouds which prevent us from having a clear vision. In fact, instead of seeing the world through pink goggles, we are viewing the world through grey, cloudy matter in a distorted kind of way.
As children we can even break our own hearts by simply believing and creating negative self-beliefs about ourselves. It may have been something we heard or what someone said 'to' or about us, that we decided to believe. It only takes one or two scenarios to create lifelong beliefs, which we bury deep inside and which ultimately can hold us captured and stop us from moving forward and towards success in every area.
Every 'new' heartbreak allows us to feel those thousands of buried layers of pain that we have accumulated during our lives. A new heartbreak resurfaces additional to the old clouds that got stuck and were never dissolved. One cloud covers the next and the next, ultimately they become thicker and more dense until a thunderstorm is inevitable. These are the emotional disorders or depressions or even physical illnesses that show us what we have been holding on to. The clouded vision prevents a sense of reality and can cause a lot of harm to out internal and external world.
Our emotional system is like the weather. Our heart energy, the love, is the sun shining non stop. Painful life experiences and traumas are the clusters of clouds we have accumulated around the sun. If we don't let go of those, we call forth a thunderstorm. The emotions, instead of all this energy going outward, are going inward, not dissolving, but instead brewing in our body, mind and spirit, causing havoc and even potentially making us ill. There is a reason why we have been given tears and the ability to feel pain. Both are there as a release system. Like clouds, if we let them rain they'll dissolve and let the sunshine come through. Each clearance lets the rays of sun shine through and create clear space until we have only a few clouds residing here or there. We can suddenly see the blue sky, the birds, the planes and even the stars. We create space of healing and positive energy which will attract more goodness into our lives instead of attracting negativity with our clouds that cast a dark shadow in our electromagnetic field, our heart area.
The thunderstorm, the next heartbreak that we go through, is an opportunity from the universe to let go and dissolve those clouds. Every time we let ourselves feel the pain, we burn a cloud, with or without fears. When one layer of clouds disappear another layer resurfaces, probably one that has been hidden for a very long time. It is a continuous self-cleansing and clearing system. The more we allow it, the more the sun, our heart energy, will come shining through.
Every time we choose to burn through a cloud, feeling the pain, we are denying an attack towards ourselves and those who hurt us. Every time we are courageous and feel the pain, we are dissolving negativity by letting the heart energy shine through instead of the cloud getting thicker and muggier. Everytime we choose the sun instead of the cloud, we are forgiving and releasing rays of light into our body and out into the world. We are letting go by denying the Ego, feeling the pain and dissolving clusters of damaging energy. A thunderstorm is a wake up call from the universe by handing us external circumstances which shake us up to release the pain, forgive and let go.
No layer of pain is ever the same. It may feel like that, but it isn't. Just know that you are doing the work and being courageous. The rewards will be a happier, healthier and more successful life.
The universe cannot give us better things if those have to find it's way through the dark, muggy, dense and heavy clouds. It is giving us healing opportunities to clear our solar system. Only an empty vessel is able to receive more. If the bucket is full of old emotions we cannot be given more until it is empty. Like attracts like. Our heart electromagnetic heart energy has the ability to attract amazing things into our lives, but so do the clouds.
Most importantly, when we carry our heartbreaks around with us, they manifest itself in our bodies, organs and every single cell. They may show itself through illnesses and emotional unbalance. Dr Mona Lisa Schulz published a fabulous book called the Intuitive Advisor in which all of her findings and medical pieces of research are displayed on how our emotions and feelings relay back to our medical conditions.
Naturally, we should not presume that if we carry around past pain we will become ill or emotionally unbalanced, of course, but letting go of it certainly enhances our life and well-being. What we give out is what we get back..
The negative feelings are simply energies which are dislodged in our bodies and in our personal energy fields, even in every single cell. Bruce Lipton, Cellular Biologist, claims, that it's our beliefs, not our DNA that controls our biology'. Therefore, why would we not want to change them?
We can use people in our lives as wonderful milestones to show us how far we have come or in contrast, how stuck we still are. We all have our triggers around us in our daily lives. We often tend to blame others for our circumstances or how we are feeling. The point is, that the more we let go of negative feelings and emotions, the happier we will feel and the less outside circumstances will affect us. We will feel naturally calmer, happier and more at peace and have a weight off our shoulders. We will see more clearly, be more authentic and be more objective and intuitive.

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